Tuition & Registration
Does Good Times provide transportation to and from camp?
Good Times provides various shuttle locations. Campers can be dropped off as early as 7:00 am & picked up as late as 5:30 pm. Click here to see locations.
How does Good Times transport campers?
We contract a professional bussing company.
Are counselors trained in First Aid and CPR?
Inclement Weather
What does Good Times do when it’s raining?
A light rain/drizzle usually won’t change our schedule. In the event of a thunderstorm or if lightning is spotted, we will find shelter immediately. Movie theatres, bowling alleys, and our bases offer alternate indoor choices.
What does Good Times do on extremely hot days?
On excessively hot days, we will make an extra effort to find shade and encourage additional water to stay hydrated.
Does Good Times provide lunch?
We will provide lunch on Fridays (see calendar for details). Campers are responsible for bringing a sack lunch Monday through Thursday. Sack lunches are kept cool in our insulated coolers.
Basic concessions are available for purchase upon return to our base.
Friends & Family
We group with similar age and gender.
Can friends be grouped together?
Yes, when registering you may list up to 2 friends you would like your camper grouped with. Please list these in the Camper Information section (must be similar age and gender).
Camper’s Needs
Does my camper need a physical?
What if my child has a medical condition (i.e. asthma, allergies, seizures, diabetes, etc.)?
Upon registration, parents are required to fill out a detailed description of any medical issues their child may have.
What if my child can’t swim?
We have many children each summer with no previous swimming experience. All pools are professionally staffed with lifeguards and our counselors provide assessment, instruction, and additional watchful eyes. Additionally, any camper that does not pass the Village of Glenview’s assessment test will be required to always wear a life vest whenever Good Times swims.
My Camper’s Schedule
What if my child is absent?
We will let you substitute your camper’s missed day(s) if possible.
Can additional weeks or days be added?
Upon availability, you may add weeks or days.
Hey, look! All of the answers to my parents’ questions. I think I'll take a look.